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What we do

間眅埶AV service improvement

Part of our ethos is to deliver sustainable outcomes both for our clients and the 間眅埶AV. We use data, analysis, visualisation and service modelling techniques to make this a reality.

Supporting the 間眅埶AV post-covid-19

At 間眅埶AV we have adapted our tools and methodologies to help our customers better support the 間眅埶AV through the pandemic and beyond.

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We support pharma, medtech, patient charities and the 間眅埶AV in the innovation, adoption and implementation of services and products.

With our depth and breadth of 間眅埶AV and healthcare industry experience we are an enabler of change for our clients and the 間眅埶AV.

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Quantis – Real-world data visualisation solutions

In an ever-changing 間眅埶AV environment, having access to relevant data and insight has never been more important. 間眅埶AV strategies to improve Patient outcomes and reduce Health Inequalities in a changing population, are becoming data led. Programmes such as 間眅埶AV CORE20 plus 5 are changing the focal points for conversation. Are you prepared?

Our range of Quantis solutions provides you with the real-world evidence needed for critical engagement and to support the case for change across the healthcare system, always with improvement to patient care at the centre.

At its core, Quantis uses over 5 years of historical Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data to generate powerful healthcare system insights wherever you need it, on an Interactive customer facing platform helping you to inform and partner with your 間眅埶AV customers.

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Quantis COVID-19 Impact Tracker

The Quantis COVID-19 Impact Tracker tool provides a visual understanding of where patients are most at risk of developing further complications due to decreases in patient flows and delayed procedures. Quickly translate this into actionable insight about where you can provide efficiencies and pathway changes to support your 間眅埶AV customer in addressing the challenging months ahead.

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Quantis Inequalities Tracker

Our new Quantis Inequalities Dashboard provides a frequently updated set of visualisations so you can identify areas where patients have unequal access to care and where they are most at risk of developing further health complications.

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Disease insight reports

Disease insight reports are based on analysis from real world evidence. Reports are often produced in partnership with a third party, for example, a charity or a strategic clinical network to review activity in specific areas to help identify trends, gaps or inefficiencies in patient care. Disease insight reports create interest from the market by offering high-quality thought leadership and highlighting opportunities to improve services and care.

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